
Grab for scraps

Grab for scraps

A SPECIFIC GRAB FOR EACH TYPE OF MATERIAL- GRAB FOR SCRAPS Each material has its specific properties and a grab for scraps as well as other types of...

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Guicho de alavanca

Guicho de alavanca

ESCOLHENDO O GUINCHO DE ALAVANCA O guincho de alavanca é utilizado para arrastar ou locomover cargas, não podendo ser utilizado para elevação de...

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Lever winch

Lever winch

CHOOSING THE LEVER WINCH The lever winch is used to drag or move loads, and cannot be used for lifting materials. It is an equipment that must be...

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Gancho olhal

Gancho olhal

O GANCHO OLHAL O gancho olhal em aço alloy é composto por uma extremidade circular vazada e por outra extremidade em formato de um gancho. Este...

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Gancho ojal

Gancho ojal

EL GANCHO OJAL El gancho ojal en acero alloy consiste en un extremo circular moldeado y otro extremo en forma de gancho. Este accesorio es...

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Sling hook

Sling hook

THE SLING HOOK The sling hook in alloy steel consists of a circular hollow end and other end in the shape of a hook. This accessory is widely used...

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