Of the various types of grab for iron scrap, there is only one that perfectly suits the type of work desired. Therefore, the correct choice of the type of grab to be used is essential to avoid possible accidents and to optimize the work performed.
To obtain the highest production capacity, an iron scrap grab must have the largest possible volume with the optimization of its gross weight. This is only possible with the development of an efficient project and with the use of the best materials found on the market.
Each material has its specific properties and a grab must adjust to those properties. A grab that will work perfectly on coal can face great difficulties when handling iron ore.
FUERTES is a technical and commercial partner of Verstegen, a world leader in the production of mechanical grabs operated by rope for the bulk industry, supplying several models of grabs and adapting to the most diverse types of work. To increase strength and minimize wear, avoiding possible accidents, each Verstegen iron scrap grab is supplied with shells made entirely of Hardox steel with high resistance to abrasive wear. The friction at the joint points is absolutely minimal due to the use of an excellent bearing system.
The ideal grab, produced by Verstegen, for handling steel scraps and heavy materials, is known as “Orange Peel Grab”. The specific model of each shell of one of these grabs varies according to the material to be handled, which may be steel scrap, stones, rocks, pig iron, among others.
Most Orange Peel Grabs are used to handle steel scrap, however, the scrap has no uniformity, containing different sizes and shapes. The iron scrap grab can vary in several aspects, therefore, a detailed technical study by Verstegen Engineering is necessary to determine the ideal grab model to be used, involving details of the material to be handled as well as the mobile crane.
To handle materials such as pig iron and stones, extremely robust iron scrap grabs are required. To ensure good penetration and good filling, the grabs have a high gross weight. The spaces between the shells are relatively small to minimize the risk of material loss.
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